19 April 2011

Ten on Tuesday - April Edition

This blog idea was introducted to me by the lovely Gail Werner, a central Indiana wedding and portrait wedding photographer. To be honest, I can never wait for her next installment. I find her Ten on Tuesday topics very interesting, and so entertaining. Thanks Gail, great idea!

So here's my kick-off to my very first Ten On Tuesday edition. For starters I'll do an edition once a month and hopefully increase the posts to once a week.

1.  If you work, do you drive to work or take public transportation?

I do not use public transport at all. To be very honest, South Africa has no public transport you really (I mean REALLY!) want to use. I really feel for people having no choice but make use of the public transport currently available. But fortunately I am lucky enough to own a car and drive myself to work.

2.  How often do you get your haircut? Do you go to the same person every time?

I go for a haircut every second month. So it varies between, every 6-8 weeks, at least. Call my boring but I do go to the same person every time. Liza started out as my mother's hairstylist and very soon after that, I also found myself making use of her services. The very first thing Liza did for me, was highlights. I really had trouble finding someone that could highlights look natural. When I walked out of the salon that day, the colour of my highlights never looked better. So today she doing the cuts as well!

3.  Do you read the newspaper? If so, a hard copy or the online version?

I do read the online newspaper, everyday. It's absolutely the very first website I open each morning. Do a quick scan through the headlines, select the interesting reads and that's about how much newspaper I read everyday. The hard copy I would only read maybe on a Saturday when I get my hands on my mother's copy. But that's hardly ever.

4.  What is the best book you have read this year?

Does magazines count?!! Honestly, I haven't read a book this year. If I read one book per year, then it's a lot. As a child I loved read. And I think I still do but after finishing school, life just got busy and I really never make time for reading. There's always something else that needs more attention at that moment. Ok, ok, I'll try and squeeze in a read before December (2011)!!

5.  What is the best movie you have seen this year?

This is probably the hardest question of the lot!! I've probably have seen a good movie this year but I really can't think of ANY movie now. Okay, I can but everyone that comes to mind sucked, so this time I think I must skip the question. Next...?

6.  Do you tend to crave sweet or salty foods?

Salty, definitely salty. I love food. Period. I can live without sweet stuff. Cakes and pastries always look so pretty on display but normally disappoint in taste. They only sweet item that never disappoint, is Lindt chocolate. And hey, they taste must be worth the calories!! So if it's bad, ditch it. Rather spend the calories on something nice and salty.

7.  Do you eat breakfast every day? If so, what do you have?

I do eat, or should that rather be drink, breakfast every day. It is the most important meal of the day. Right? About 18 months ago I was in desperate need to lose some kilo's, so I started on Herbalife. Since then I'm really hooked on their nutritional shake for breakfast every morning. My favourite flavour being Cookies & Cream. And I've never stopped using the shake as breakfast. It's quick and easy to shake-up and delicious!

8.  If you celebrate Easter, what Easter treat/candy are you most looking forward to?

Firstly, as a child we celebrate Easter with loads and loads of easter eggs. Growing up on a farm with my mom, dad and three brothers, we really looked forward to Easter Sunday. Each kid received a basket and was sent into a direction to hunt for their easter eggs. Then you covered all grassy areas, corners, all over the farm yard. Being an adult now, we don't really celebrate Easter anymore. The one treat I look most forward to and at least buy 1 pack of, is Cadbury's White Easter eggs.

9.  How late is “sleeping in” to you?

I've always been a morning person. Get up early, do the 'hard stuff' (eg. jogging) first, some chores, and then the normal daily tasks can start.  "Sleeping in" only happens on weekends. I must admit, 8 o'clock is late, VERY late for me to get up. But usually I'm awake by 7am. Yeah, that's my sleeping in!

10.  Where are you going on your next vacation?

I have no idea. I wish I knew! We usually wait till the very last moment to decide where we'll be heading off to. We prefer to stay close to the coast. Inland in South Africa is rather hot and I'm a 'shopping' girl, so I get rather irritated if I can't go for a bit of window shopping. If we go to a location where there really aren't any shopping malls, it must be a place where there's some kind of activities going on. I'll be able to make use of hiking trails, bird watching and any thing I can lay my lens on.

* Ten on Tuesday idea from Roots and Rings via Gail Werner

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