28 June 2011

Ten On Tuesday - June Edition

1. What’s the perfect meal?
Mmmm, I love food ... making them and eating them. But I guess it's that meal that is REALLY, REALLY ... REALLY worth the calories.

2. What are the perfect pair of shoes?
That pair that allows you to do whatever you want without restricting you to do anything. I choose my shoes for comfort, not fashion.

3. What is the perfect afternoon?
Doing whatever you like and something you don't usually get the time to do. The afternoon that makes you feel you're on holiday, even if your in your own city/town.

4. What’s the perfect house?
It's the house to which you look forward going home to. The one where you feel safe and secure.

5. What is the perfect outfit?
Again, comfort is key. I won't go for fashion if it means I might be discomforted in any way. For example in winter, I wear stuff that keeps me warm, you won't catch me getting cold just to be in fashion!

6. What’s the perfect wedding song?
The song that has a special memory for you and your partner.

7. What is the perfect job?
'If you love what you do, you'll never work another day in your life'. I don't know who said this the first time. But I can imagine that this is true.

8. What’s the perfect hairstyle?
The hairstyle that makes you look better than ever. Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder but you get the idea.

9. What’s the perfect music festival?
The festival with all of your favourite bands. Sorry, it's torture to listen to music that you don't like.

10. What’s the perfect day to yourself?
Aaaahhh, the day I can go shopping, visiting a slow food farmer's market (or two), have lunch with a sea view and shop some more!

* Ten on Tuesday idea from Roots and Rings via Gail Werner

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